TIG Welding: Definition, How it Works, How to Use, and ...

13 May.,2024


TIG Welding: Definition, How it Works, How to Use, and ...

Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding is a precise and versatile process used to create high-quality welds. It joins metals using a non-consumable tungsten electrode while protecting the welding area from atmospheric contamination with an inert gas such as argon. The exceptional control and versatility of TIG welding, which can join a variety of metals including copper, aluminum, and stainless steel, are its main selling points.

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The method forms an electric arc between the tungsten electrode and the workpiece which produces a great deal of heat. It melts the metal while the welder manually inserts a filler rod into the molten pool to add more material. Once it cools, the pool forms a solid bond. 

TIG welding has many advantages, including excellent weld quality, exact control over heat input, minimal spatter, and the ability to create welds that are pleasing to the eye. This article will examine the fundamentals of TIG welding, including how it functions, practical application tips, and its numerous advantages. Let's dive in and learn about TIG welding.

What Is TIG Welding?

TIG welding is a precision, high-quality welding technique that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode. The term "TIG" (tungsten inert gas) references the non-reactive gas (usually argon) employed to protect the weld area from atmospheric contamination.

What Is the Another Term for TIG Welding?

TIG welding is also known as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). The two names contain the same basic information: a tungsten electrode produces an electric arc to heat the workpiece while being shielded with an inert gas such as argon. 

How Does TIG Welding Differ from MIG Welding?

In several ways, TIG welding is different from MIG welding. The TIG process uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode while MIG welders use a consumable electrode and a continuously fed wire. TIG welding is best for delicate applications and thin materials because it offers greater control and precision and produces cleaner welds with less spatter.

How Does TIG Welding Work?

TIG welding is a technique that joins metal parts using a tungsten electrode. An inert gas (usually argon) shields the electrode and the workpiece to prevent oxidation. The electrode and workpiece produce a high-temperature arc that melts the metal, forming a weld pool. The manually introduced filler material can reinforce the joint. For aluminum, stainless steel, and thin sheets of other metals, TIG welding offers precise control.

What Is the Primary Use of TIG Welding?

The primary use of TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding is to join metals with a high degree of precision and control. TIG welding is common in automotive, aerospace, and fabrication plants. It is especially suitable for thin materials and provides excellent weld quality with minimal distortion.

What Are Examples of TIG Welding Applications?

Examples of TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding applications include:

  1. Automotive Industry: TIG welding is used to assemble exhaust systems, fuel tanks, and engine components.
  2. Aerospace Industry: It is employed on aircraft components like engine parts, aluminum and titanium structural members, and fuel lines.
  3. Fabrication Industry: For various fabrication projects, TIG welding is used to join non-ferrous metals like aluminum, copper, and others.

How To Use TIG Welders?

To apply TIG welding effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Gather the necessary equipment: TIG welding machine, tungsten electrode, filler rod, gas cylinder, protective clothing, and welding helmet.
  2. Prepare the workpiece by cleaning it thoroughly with a wire brush or solvent to ensure a clean surface.
  3. Set up the TIG welding machine and adjust the settings to match the material and thickness.
  4. Grip the TIG torch with your hand, positioning it at an angle of around 70 or 80 degrees. Lift the torch slightly, keeping the tungsten tip 1/16 to 1/8 inch from the workpiece. Be careful not to let the tungsten come into contact with the workpiece as this can lead to contamination of the material, requiring you to regrind the tungsten.
  5. Maintain a steady hand and move the torch in a controlled manner, directing the arc along your desired weld path.
  6. Control the heat input by adjusting the amperage and filler rod as needed.
  7. Keep the torch close to the workpiece for better control and visibility.
  8. Once the weld is complete, gradually reduce the amperage and allow the weld to cool.
  9. Inspect the weld for defects and make adjustments or repairs as necessary.

When To Use TIG Welding

TIG welding is a common option when exact, high-quality welds are required. It is usually the best option for delicate seams, thin materials, and non-ferrous metals like copper, aluminum, and brass. TIG welding creates neat, aesthetically pleasing welds in a controlled manner with very little spatter. 

What Are the Different Parts of TIG Welding?

The TIG welding system is composed of: 

  1. Power Source: Provides electrical energy for the welding process.
  2. TIG Torch: Holds the tungsten electrode and controls the shielding gas flow.
  3. Tungsten Electrode: Forms the arc and withstands high temperatures.
  4. Shielding Gas: Protects the weld area from atmospheric contamination.
  5. Filler Metal: Optional material added to reinforce the weld.
  6. Gas Cylinder: Stores the shielding gas, such as argon or helium.
  7. Foot Pedal or Hand Control: Regulates the welding current.

What Are Some Types of Materials That Can Be TIG Welded?

TIG welding functions on a variety of materials, including:

1. Aluminum

Oftentimes, TIG welding is the optimal choice for aluminum parts. TIG equipment allows for precise control and produces high-quality welds, making it suitable for applications in aerospace, automotive, and other industries.

2. Stainless Steel

When TIG welding stainless steel, employ a DC machine to give the electrode negative polarity. The TIG torch must be connected to the negative terminal of the welder and the ground clamp to the positive terminal. Doing so gives you better control over heat input, minimizes distortion, and ensures the integrity of the stainless steel's corrosion-resistant properties.

3. Steel

TIG welding is suitable for many types of steel, including carbon steel and low-alloy steel. It allows for precise control over heat input and produces high-quality welds with minimal spatter. TIG welding is commonly used in structural fabrication, piping, and automotive production. For more information, see our guide on Steel Metals.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Tungsten Powder Price.

4. Chromoly

Chromoly (chromium-molybdenum alloy) is a popular material in motorsports and bicycle manufacturing. TIG welding produces strong, crack-free welds that other processes can’t match on chromoly materials. TIG welding's precise control over heat input helps prevent heat-affected zone (HAZ) issues and ensures the material's mechanical properties are maintained.

5. Nickel Alloys

Nickel alloys, which are renowned for their corrosion resistance and high-temperature strength, are usually welded using TIG machines. Nickel alloys typically need shielding gasses like argon, helium, or a mix of the two for the best results. An alternative is to use an argon-hydrogen gas mixture designed specifically for welding pure nickel. It is appropriate for use in the power generation, chemical processing, and aerospace industries.

What Is the Hardest Metal to TIG Weld?

Aluminum can be challenging to TIG weld due to several factors. Aluminum is very thermally conductive; the heat dissipates quickly, leading to a narrow welding window. Additionally, aluminum forms an oxide layer that must be removed before welding, requiring specialized techniques and equipment. 

What Is the Easiest Metal to TIG Weld?

The definitive answer is mild steel. Mild steel is widely used in construction and manufacturing because its low carbon content makes it ductile and machinable. It can be easily welded using both TIG and MIG methods, making it a versatile metal for welding applications.

What Metals Should Not Be TIG Welded?

While TIG welding is a versatile process, certain metals pose challenges and should be avoided. Reactive metals like brass and titanium have high melting points and require specialized equipment and techniques. Cast iron is also difficult to TIG weld due to its high carbon content and tendency to crack.

How Strong is TIG Welding?

TIG butt welds are typically very strong, with ultimate tensile strength reaching up to 97% of the base metal's ultimate tensile strength. This indicates that TIG welding can effectively join components while maintaining a significant portion of their original strength.

Is a TIG Weld Stronger Than a MIG Weld?

Yes, TIG welds are generally stronger than MIG welds. TIG welding provides better penetration and control, resulting in stronger fusion between metals. TIG weld beads have fewer imperfections, which means fewer opportunities for excessive stress concentration that can lead to bigger problems.

What Are the Advantages of TIG Welding?

Advantages of TIG welding include:

  1. Precise, clean, and aesthetically appealing welds.
  2. It can be used to weld a wide range of metals, including stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and nickel alloys.
  3. Thin materials can be TIG welded thanks to precise heat control.
  4. Less post-weld cleanup is required because TIG welding produces little spatter.
  5. Strong and reliable welds with good fusion are produced by TIG welding.

What Are the Disadvantages of TIG Welding?

Disadvantages of TIG welding include:

  1. Compared to other welding techniques like MIG, TIG welding generally takes longer.
  2. TIG welding requires a higher level of skill and expertise to operate the equipment effectively.
  3. It may be challenging to weld thick materials because of the TIG process’ slow deposition rate. 
  4. In comparison to MIG welding and oxyfuel welding, TIG welding supplies and equipment can be more expensive.

Can You Use a TIG Welder Without Gas?

No, you cannot use a TIG welder without gas. A shielding gas (typically argon) is essential in TIG welding to shield the tungsten electrode and the weld pool from oxygen and other atmospheric contamination. Additionally, the gas serves to cool the TIG torch, ensuring its longevity and preventing damage from overheating.

Is It Difficult To Use TIG Welding?

Yes, TIG welding is considered difficult to master. It requires a high level of coordination, practice, and skill compared to other forms of welding. The process involves simultaneously controlling the foot pedal, supplying filler material, and precisely aiming the electrode, making it challenging for beginners.

Is TIG Welding the Same as Arc Welding?

No, the terms are not entirely interchangeable. TIG welding, or tungsten inert gas welding, is a specific form of arc welding that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode and an inert gas shield. Arc welding, on the other hand, is an overarching term that encompasses all welding processes that use an electric arc to create a weld.

What Is the Difference Between TIG Welding and Laser Welding?

The main differences between TIG welding and laser welding are:

  1. Heat Source: TIG welding heats the workpiece using an electric arc between a tungsten electrode and the workpiece, while laser welding employs a high-powered laser beam.
  2. Speed: Laser welding is typically faster than TIG welding.
  3. Precision: With a smaller heat-affected zone and greater precision, laser welding produces more compact welds.
  4. Material compatibility: While TIG welding only works with metals, laser welding is appropriate for a variety of materials, including metals and certain plastics.


This article presented TIG welding, explained it, and discussed how to use it and its benefits. To learn more about tig welding, contact a Xometry representative.

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For more information, please visit Tungsten Powder Uses.