US1905377A - Highway guard rail

30 Dec.,2024


USA - Highway guard rail

April 25, . 5 R. GARNER HIGHWAY GUARD RAIL Filed April 12, 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 Inventor Bymwmt i Attorney Mul' April 25, . s. R. GARNI-:R 1,905,377

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HIGHWAY GUARD RAIL Filed April 12, '2 sheets-sheet' 2 Home y Patented Apr. 25, UNITED STATES SAMUEL R. GARNER, OF MERCER, PENNSYLVANIA HIGHWAY GUARD RAIL Application led April 12,

The present invention relates to a highway guard rail and has for one of its important objects to provide, in a manner as hereinafter set forth, a device of this character embodying resilient means for supporting the rail in position.

Another important obj ect of the invention is to provide novel means for connecting the adjacent ends of the rail sections together and for sli'dably mounting said rails on the resilient supporting means.

ther objects of the invention are to provide a highway guard rail of the character described which will be simple in construction, strong, durable, eiiicient and reliable in use, attractive in appearance and which may be manufactured and installed at low cost.

All of the foregoing and still further objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent from a study of the following specification, taken in connection with the accompanying drawings wherein like characters of reference designate corresponding parts throughout the several views, and wherein Figure 1 is a view in elevation of a guard rail constructed in accordance with the present invention, the same being shown as viewed from the highway side thereof.

Figure 2 is a top plan view of the guard rail.

Figure 3 is a vertical sectional view, taken substantially on the line 3-3 of Figure 1.

Figure 4 is a view in side elevation of a joint without the guides thereon.

Figure 5 is a view in side elevation of an intermediate portion of a guard rail showing guides thereon for receiving the supporting means.

Figure 6 is a view in side elevation showing the rail joint with the guides thereon.

Figure 7 is a view in vertical section through the rail showing the supporting eams.

Figure 8 is a perspective view of the jointi structure, showing the elements separate Referring now to the drawings in detail, it will be Seen that the reference numeral 1 . Serial No. 604,825.

For more information, please visit customized w beam highway guardrail.

designates vertical supporting posts pro` j vided with braces 2. Slidably mounted in the posts 1 are the rods 3 which project horizontally from said posts on the highway side thereof and having liXed on their outer ends the plates 4. Coil springs 5 encircle the rods 3 and are engaged with the plates 4 for yieldingly urging said plates outwardly.

Wear plates 6 are mounted on the rods 3 between the posts 1 and the inner ends of the springs 5. Stop nuts 7 are threaded on the other end portions of the rods 3 and engageable with the posts for limiting actuation of said rods by the springs 5. y

The reference numeral 8 designates guard rail sections having abutting ends located adjacent one of the posts 1. The rail sections 8 are vsecured together through the medium of a joint which includes polygonal lugs 9 which are mounted in any suitable manner on one side of one end portion of one of the rails. The lugs 9 are provided with bolt receiving passages 10 for a purpose which will be presently set forth. The opposed end portion of the adjacent rail has secured thereon by any suitable means, such as welding, a plate 11 which projects free of said adjacent rail section foi1 overlapping engagement with the other rail. The projecting portion of the plate 11 is provided with spaced notches or recesses 12 for the reception of the lugs 9. This is illustrated to advantage in Figures 4 and 8 of the drawings.

Secured in any suitable manner, as by welding, on the inner portion of the plate 11 are the opposed guides 13. Similar guides 14 are bolted on the lugs 9 and eX- tend over the portions of the plate 11 which are between the upper and lower pairs of said lugs 9. The guides 14 are provided with openings 15 which register with the openings 10 in the iugs to accommodate securing bolts.

The guides 14 are aligned with the guides 13 on the plate 11. The aligned guides 13 and 14 slidablyreceive certain of the plates 4 on the rods 3. Where n0 joint is adjacent a supporting post 1, guides 16 are 'ico mounted on the rails for slidably receiving the adjacent plates 4.

It Will thus be seen that a yielding and sliding connection has been provided between the guard rails and the supporting posts for said guard rails. It vvill further be seen that the guard rail is supported ont- Wardly of the posts, thereby preventing contact of vehicles with said posts.

It is believed that the many advantages of a highway guard rail constructed in accordance With the present invention will be I readily understood, and although theprc ferred embodiment of the invention 1s as illustrated and described, it is to be understood that changes in the details of construction and in the combination and arrangement of parts may be resorted 'to which Will fall Within the scope of the invention as claimed.

lfVhat is claimed is Y 1. A highway guard structure comprising a pair of rail sections, and means for connecting said sections together, said r means including lugs on one oi' the sections,

a plate mounted on the other section and having notches therein for the reception of the lugs, and elements mounted on the lugs and engaged with the plate for preventing disengagement oi' said plate from the lugs.

2. A highway guard structure comprising a pair of rail sections, lugs projecting laterally from one side of one end portion of one of the rail sections, said lugs having threaded sockets therein, a plate fixed on one side of one end portion of the other rail section and projecting therefrom in overlapping relation to said one rail section, said plate having notches therein for the reception of the'lugs, means mounted on the lugs and engaged With the plate for preventing disengagement of said plate from the lugs, and securing elements threadedly engaged in the sockets in the lugs for secure ing said means on the lugs.

In testimony whereof I aiiix my signature.


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