The Benefits of Using animal screen

12 Apr.,2024


Introduction: The Changing Landscape of Cattle Management

The cattle industry is a significant player in global agriculture, with billions of animals worldwide providing milk, meat, leather, and other commodities. Traditionally, cattle management practices have involved close, hands-on monitoring of herd health and individual animal behavior. However, these methods are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and require more precision for optimal animal health and productivity.

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Understanding the Traditional Methods of Cattle Management

In the past, ranchers relied heavily on observational techniques to manage their herds. A keen eye and a wealth of experience were the primary tools for identifying diseases, detecting behavioral changes, and determining the optimal time for breeding or weaning. While time-honored and ingrained in rural culture, these methods present several challenges. For one, they rely heavily on individual human judgment, which can vary from person to person and is susceptible to error. Furthermore, the sheer scale of modern cattle farming operations often surpasses what any person or team can manage effectively using these traditional techniques.

The Need for Improved Techniques in Modern Cattle Farming

In light of these challenges, it’s evident that modern cattle farming requires more advanced, efficient, and precise management techniques. As herd sizes grow and consumer demands evolve, farmers must adapt to ensure their animals’ health, productivity, and welfare. Emerging technologies offer opportunities to enhance these aspects, providing comprehensive, accurate, and real-time data about every animal in the herd. Not only does this enable better decision-making, but it also leads to improved operational efficiency and profitability.

Technological Intervention in Cattle Management

Overview of Different Technologies Applied in Herd Management

Technological advancements have opened the door to more efficient and precise cattle management methods. Technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking, automated milking systems, and drone surveillance offer real-time monitoring of herds, enhancing their health and productivity. Moreover, innovative solutions like HerdView® from HerdX® leverage cloud computing and data analytics to offer a holistic view of herd health and individual animal behavior.

Farmers can access vital information about each animal using these technologies, such as its location, health parameters, and behavioral patterns. This unprecedented insight transforms how farmers monitor and manage their herds, paving the way for a new era in cattle management. By adopting these technologies, farmers can improve the health and well-being of their cattle, enhance operational efficiency, and boost profitability.

The following section will explore how technology revolutionizes herd health monitoring and individual animal behavior analysis.

The Use of Technology to Monitor Herd Health

The Rise of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF)

Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) refers to applying advanced technologies to manage livestock with a high degree of accuracy. PLF allows farmers to make informed decisions that improve their herds’ health, welfare, and productivity by collecting, processing, and analyzing real-time data. It’s a dynamic shift from ‘gut feeling’ to data-driven management, enhancing the precision and speed of decision-making.

How Sensor-based Technologies are Enhancing Herd Health

Sensor-based technologies play a critical role in PLF. Wearable sensors, RFID tags, and biosensors provide real-time data on various health parameters, including body temperature, heart rate, and rumination patterns. This information helps farmers detect diseases early, intervene promptly, and effectively manage herd health.

Farmers can interpret this data with advanced analytics to discern trends, predict future health issues, and implement preventive measures. This proactive approach to herd health management reduces disease incidence, enhances animal welfare, and improves overall productivity.

The Role of IoT in Real-time Health Monitoring

The Internet of Things (IoT) has proven to be a game-changer in cattle management. IoT devices can collect and transmit data in real time, providing farmers with up-to-the-minute information about their herds. The ability to monitor cattle health remotely and in real-time revolutionizes how farmers respond to potential health threats.

Case Studies: Success of Tech-Driven Herd Health Management

Numerous case studies highlight the success of tech-driven herd health management. For instance, a dairy farm in the Netherlands implemented sensor-based monitoring and saw a 20% increase in milk production. Similarly, a ranch in the US employed GPS tracking and IoT devices and achieved significant reductions in cattle loss.

Monitoring Individual Animal Behavior: A Closer Look

Technology-Assisted Behavior Monitoring: An Overview

Beyond herd health, technology has been instrumental in monitoring individual animal behavior. Advanced tools can track feeding patterns, movement, social interaction, and calving activity. By providing insights into individual behavior, these tools help farmers optimize feeding regimes, manage breeding cycles, and enhance animal welfare.

Importance of Individual Animal Behavior Monitoring

Monitoring individual animal behavior is crucial for several reasons. It allows farmers to detect signs of illness or distress early, improve animal welfare, and optimize productivity. For instance, changes in feeding behavior can indicate health issues, while shifts in social interaction can signal stress or discomfort.

Technological Solutions for Individual Animal Behavior Monitoring

GPS tracking, automated behavior analysis software, and IoT devices offer practical solutions for monitoring individual animal behavior. With these tools, farmers can gain real-time insights into each animal’s behavior, improving their ability to manage individual health and well-being.

Significance of Data-driven Decision-Making in Animal Behavior Assessment

Data-driven decision-making is transforming animal behavior assessment. By leveraging big data and advanced analytics, farmers can understand their animals better, predict behavior changes, and manage their herds more effectively. This data-driven approach improves animal health, increases productivity, and increases profitability.

In the next part, we’ll explore the advantages of using technology in cattle management, the challenges faced, and the future scope of these advancements.

The Advantages of Using Technology in Cattle Management

Improving Animal Health: Key Benefits of Tech-Driven Herd Management

The most significant benefit of integrating technology into herd management is improved animal health. Real-time, comprehensive monitoring enables early disease detection, better treatment, and proactive prevention, ultimately reducing the incidence of illness within the herd. By keeping animals healthier, farmers can enhance the welfare of their herds and improve productivity.

Enhancing Productivity: How Tech-Assisted Management Boost Efficiency

Technological intervention can substantially increase productivity. By providing actionable insights into each animal’s health and behavior, these technologies help farmers optimize feeding regimes, manage breeding cycles more efficiently, and take timely action on health issues. This increased efficiency results in higher milk yield and growth rates, better calving success, and improved productivity.

Reducing Labor and Resource Costs with Modern Technology

Technology can significantly reduce labor costs associated with cattle management. Farmers can free up time for other essential farm activities by automating monitoring tasks. Furthermore, precision livestock farming allows for optimal resource utilization, reducing waste and costs associated with overfeeding or unnecessary treatments.

Boosting Sustainability in Cattle Farming through Smart Solutions

Modern technologies also contribute to more sustainable cattle farming. By optimizing resource use and improving animal health, farmers can reduce their environmental impact. Furthermore, advanced monitoring technologies can help manage grazing patterns to avoid overgrazing, thus preserving pastures and promoting biodiversity.

Challenges and Future Scope for Technology in Cattle Management

Addressing the Challenges Facing Tech-assisted Cattle Management

Despite the immense benefits, integrating technology into cattle management is challenging. High initial costs, a need for extensive staff training, and vulnerability to technical glitches or data breaches are among the potential hurdles. However, with ongoing advancements, the industry continually finds solutions to these challenges, making tech-based management more accessible and secure.

Harnessing Future Opportunities to Improve and Expand Technology Use

The use of technology in cattle management is set to expand. Innovations like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technology hold immense potential for improving the precision and efficacy of cattle management practices. Harnessing these future opportunities will involve continued investment, research, and an openness to adopt new technologies.

Conclusion: Embracing the Tech Revolution in Cattle Management

The Path Forward for Modern Cattle Farming

The future of modern cattle farming lies firmly in the realm of technology. As this industry grows and evolves, farmers find that embracing technological advancements is not just an option but a necessity for success. These advancements, including IoT devices, sensor-based technologies, and AI analytics, reshape how farmers approach cattle management.

Consider tools like The HerdView® app, which offers real-time inventory and animal management. With comprehensive animal history, intelligent area monitoring, and advanced analytics at their fingertips, ranchers, and feedlot managers can make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Such tools epitomize the transformative impact of technology on the industry, enabling farmers to ensure their herds’ health, welfare, and productivity in a manner unimaginable a few decades ago.

Final Thoughts: The Importance of Adapting to Changing Times in Cattle Management

Adapting to the winds of change is crucial in any industry, and cattle farming is no exception. In an era where consumer demand for transparency in food production is high and environmental considerations are increasingly important, adopting technology in cattle management is becoming not just a strategy for optimization but a necessity for survival.

Embracing technology allows for improved monitoring of herd health, a better understanding of individual animal behavior, and an ability to make data-driven decisions that are not only profitable but also environmentally conscious. Such advancements have made it possible to significantly reduce the spread of diseases, optimize feeding and breeding cycles, and ultimately increase productivity.

But the benefits are not merely economic. Technological interventions have proven to be a boon for animal welfare, enabling the early detection of health issues, minimizing stress, and enhancing the overall quality of life for livestock. Moreover, with the potential to optimize resource use and manage grazing patterns, these technologies are making cattle farming more sustainable.

However, the path to tech-assisted cattle management is challenging. While the initial costs can be high and the need for training and new infrastructure daunting, the long-term benefits are clear. Investing in this revolution today can secure the future profitability and sustainability of the cattle farming industry. Furthermore, as technology advances, we expect these tools to become increasingly affordable and accessible.

In conclusion, the technological revolution in cattle management is an ongoing process. It is reshaping the industry, transforming long-standing practices, and paving the way for a more sustainable, efficient, and prosperous future in cattle farming. As farmers, industry leaders, and technology innovators, we must embrace this change and its opportunities. By doing so, we can ensure that our practices evolve to benefit our cattle and business.

Cattle Management Technology FAQs

What are the benefits of livestock monitoring?

Livestock monitoring provides invaluable insights into the health, well-being, and reproductive stage of each animal on your farm. It allows for real-time tracking of location, health parameters, and behavioral patterns, improving animal health and farm productivity.

What technologies are used to monitor herd health and individual animal behavior?

Technologies used in monitoring herd health and individual animal behavior include data-collecting ear tags, GPS tracking, automated milking systems, drone surveillance, and behavior analytics software. These tools provide real-time insights into an animal’s physical condition, location, movement patterns, eating habits, and social behaviors.

How can technology revolutionize cattle management compared to traditional methods?

Technology can revolutionize cattle management by offering precise real-time data on various aspects of herd health and individual animal behavior using sensors, AI, and IoT devices. These tech tools enhance early disease detection, help identify calving issues, and reduce labor costs compared to conventional methods.

What are the potential challenges or downsides of incorporating technology into cattle management?

Integrating technology into cattle management could face challenges such as high initial costs for advanced equipment and software, extensive staff training, and the potential for data breaches or technical malfunctions. However, these challenges are being mitigated with continuous advancements, making tech-assisted cattle management an increasingly viable option.

Develop your brain and body through crawling patterns

Anyone can crawl, right? After all, you just get down on your hands and knees and scoot around a bit. Crawl from one place to another and all of a sudden, you’re practising animal locomotion.

At a surface level, maybe it is that simple: the word ‘locomotion’ refers to moving from one place to another. Dig a little deeper and you’ll soon see that there are a ton of benefits to be reaped from learning the intricacies of moving from one place to another with intent.

Anthony Guerds, Partner and Head Coach of Strength at Primal Performance Lab in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam discovered this to be true at a recent Animal Flow L1 instructor certification workshop. Anthony began exploring some of the movements after being introduced to them in 2019 but his journey to certification was delayed due to the pandemic.

After taking the workshop, Anthony’s understanding of, and appreciation for, locomotion and quadrupedal movement has deepened substantially.

“There’s such a HUGE difference from casually thinking I was doing AF to doing it with precision, awareness, and full-body tension,” Anthony said. “I love the idea of now ‘plugging the energy leaks’ in the movements that I was previously unaware of.”

So, what is animal locomotion?

Animal locomotion involves traversing the ground using animalistic movement patterns. This doesn’t mean roaring like a tiger or performing some sort of prancercise-inspired horse gallop (though we won’t judge you if that’s what you’re interested in).

Instead, it’s taking inspiration from the varied gait patterns and movement mechanics that are on display in the animal world, and applying them to benefit your own human animal.

Most locomotion patterns can be categorized as either quadrupedal or bipedal. In quadrupedal locomotion, you’ll have four points of contact with the ground–either two hands and two feet or two hands and two knees. By contrast, bipedal locomotion tends to alternate from two feet to two hands so that you’re switching between supporting your weight on your lower body and your upper body.

If you’re looking to get started with animal locomotion, your first move should be crawling.

Regional Leaders Duncan McDaide (front) and Tim Sandeman (back) from Australia practice Reverse Traveling Beast.

Crawling: the shared locomotion of mammals

The first year of life as a human involves some of the most important development we ever experience, much of which arises from our interactions with our environment. In the nine to 14 months that it typically takes us to learn to walk, our hands, knees and feet become our major source of physical connection to our landscape.

As we learn to crawl, our movements share characteristics with non-human primates as well as other quadrupedal mammals. Like primates, babies tend to crawl using a diagonal gait pattern, with opposite limbs landing in sequence, and by touching down with protracted limbs.

It’s believed that two distinctly non-primate characteristics (the sequencing of our footfall and maintaining fairly stiff elbows during the stance phase) are borrowed from other mammals to increase our stability and reduce effort at our joints. These features have led scientists to the conclusion that, when it comes to locomotion, our underlying neural circuitry is likely to be similar to that of other quadrupedal mammals.

It stands to reason that, as babies, we experience the process of locomotion through crawling phases that replicate reptile and mammal crawling styles. These phases are incredibly important for developing our brain’s coordination circuitry, while simultaneously recruiting multiple muscles together in pathways that will form the foundation for our ability to walk upright.

What’s the difference between child and adult crawling?

To most of us, children’s and adult crawling styles may not appear to be all that different from one another. However, adults tend to possess notably more flexibility in the way they crawl, with the ability to successfully change crawling strategy from using same-side (ipsilateral) limbs to opposing (contralateral) limbs. These differences are largely believed to occur as a result of the more mature nervous system that adults have.

While adult brains may have more options available when it comes to how we crawl, infants still appear to use an innate problem-solving ability to negotiate various types of terrain. If you’ve ever seen a baby navigate the challenge of crawling downstairs by turning around to do so backwards, you’ll have seen this in action.

What are the benefits of crawling?

Far from just being an inferior form of motion when compared to walking or running, crawling is vitally important to all growing brains and bodies.


  • Stimulates and organizes neurons, which are the nerve cells that receive and send information in the form of electrical signals. This supports the development of a range of cognitive functions such as comprehension, concentration and memory.
  • Establishes hand/eye coordination that is important for a range of fine motor skills (such as writing, buttoning a shirt or tying shoelaces) and gross motor skills (such as throwing, catching or hitting a ball, running and more).
  • Conditions binocular vision which helps us with depth perception and the ability to accurately gauge distance.
  • Improves coordination between the two hemispheres of the brain and enhances learning.

Crawling forms an important part of the stages of development for babies.

In addition to those mentioned above, adults can also expect to see a range of other benefits from animal locomotion in general.
These include:

  • Stability at the spine, shoulders and hips
  • Increased active joint range of motion at the wrists, shoulders, hips and ankles
  • High levels of core muscle activation
  • Efficiency and quality of movement
  • Increased upper body muscular endurance
  • Improved body awareness.

Add all of that to the fact that you don’t need much space or any equipment to do it and it’s easy to see why it’s become such a popular style of physical activity.

A strong foundation for achieving goals

For Anthony Guerds, animal locomotion has definitely proven itself a worthy staple in his own training and that of his clients.

“I have found that adding Animal Flow into my training regimen has completely opened up an entirely new discipline of human movement for me,” said Anthony.

“It has helped me gain self-awareness and become more intentional in my body. I always felt like there was something I was missing to tie everything together to reach my goals. Now I’m inspired to expand on the journey of animal locomotion and elevate many of the other skills I train for by using this as a part of the process.”

Watch the video below as Jin Takazawa, Animal Flow Master Instructor from Japan, demonstrates a series of animal locomotion drills, known as Traveling Forms. You can find full-length tutorials on each of the movements at Animal Flow On Demand.

You can find full-length tutorials on each of the Traveling Forms that Jin is demonstrating by visiting the Tutorials: Level 1 Movements at Animal Flow On Demand. Get your 14-day free trial now!

The Benefits of Using animal screen

The Benefits of Animal Locomotion

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