Heparin injection Exports from India

23 Dec.,2024


Heparin injection Exports from India

According to Volza's India Export data, India exported 1,178 shipments of Heparin Injection from Mar to Feb (TTM). These exports were made by 127 Indian Exporters to 344 Buyers, marking a growth rate of 48% compared to the preceding twelve months.

Within this period, in Feb alone, 76 Heparin Injection export shipments were made from India . This marks a year-on-year growth of -16% compared to Feb , and a -26% sequential growth from Jan .

Most of the Heparin Injection exports from India go to the United States , Philippines , and Thailand .

Globally, the top three exporters of Heparin Injection are India, China, and France . India leads the world in Heparin Injection exports with 6,054 shipments, followed by China with 502 shipments , and France taking the third spot with 439 shipments.

These facts are updated till June 28, , and are based on Volza's India Export data of Heparin Injection. Paid subscribers can gain full access to the most recent Volza export import data.

For more information, please visit Xiangyi.

Data Source

Volza's India export data of Heparin Injection is sourced and compiled from Global import export shipments across 80+ countries. Our datasets are updated daily, and paid subscribers gain full access to the most recent Volza export import data along with complete details.

Data Fields

The data fields provide comprehensive information including a description of the Heparin Injection product, its HSN code, shipment date, price, quantity, countries of destination and origin, ports of destination/origin, details of Exporters and Buyers, and top decision makers' contact information. We also provide shipment dates, countries of destination and origin, as well as ports of destination and origin.

Decision Makers

Volza's data includes top decision-makers' profiles with direct contact information such as numbers, emails, and LinkedIn profiles.

The company is the world’s best Heparin Cap Rubber Stopper export supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

Data Source: Volza Export Data

Rubber Injection Stopper for Heparin Cap

Manufacturer of rubber parts for heparin cap. Heparin cap, also called injection stopper and yellow stopper, works as an equipment suitable for iv cannula and catheters and to avoid infection. While rubber injection stopper works as sealing part of heparin cap. Made from rubber material with high elasticity, rubber injection stopper is equipped with good self-sealing performance which can withstand needle puncture and injection for several times without any air or liquid leakage.

Except as factory of rubber and plastic components for medical disposables and lab consumables, we also work as supplier of other related components and semi-finished products for pre-mentioned iv set, transfusion set, burette set, disposable syringe and blood collection system. Welcome inquiry for more product details.

For more information, please visit PET Blood Collection Tube manufacturer.